Published Aug 6, 2005
24 Posts
I want to work as a neonatal nurse too. Do you have to take seperate classes to become a neonatal nurse. How long does it take? I love babies. I was drawn to it. Every baby I see I just want to hold it in my arms.
17 Articles; 45,841 Posts
i want to work as a neonatal nurse too. do you have to take seperate classes to become a neonatal nurse. how long does it take? i love babies. i was drawn to it. every baby i see i just want to hold it in my arms. ebony
:balloons: hello and welcome :balloons:
you will just need to work in peds, nursery, and/or nicu to get the experience after graduation and working for a while. you can do it.
siri, crnp, clnc, rlnc
Gompers, BSN, RN
2,691 Posts
Just remember, loving babies is only part of the job when you're a neonatal nurse. It's what attracts many of us to this type of work. However, dealing with critically ill and dying babies is emotionally exhausting at times. The NICU is not always a happy place, that's for sure.
I have to say, though, my love of babies is what keeps me going. Just last night at work, I was all grumpy about something stupid...and then while doing cares for one of my babies, a 2-1/2 pound former 24-weeker, his soft little cheek was resting against my hand while I assessed him, his hand closed around my finger, and his big brown eyes looked up at me...and I just melted. I always do. I look down at these kids and just can't imagine ever doing anything else with my professional life.
If you do go into neonatal nursing, you'll learn everything you need to know during your hospital orientation. Any classes you need, the unit will provide, along with a long mentoring period when you start hands-on care of these babies. The majority of NICUs hire new graduate RNs.
Good luck and welcome to the forum!
52 Posts
Check out this thread and you'll see what draws us to the field!
In Canada, you need to graduate nursing school (Diploma or degree) and then depending on the hospital, go through a good orientation! Our hospital offers a 3 month program. That has changed since I started 16 years ago:then it was 4 weeks. We accept new grads and some units do not. There are courses you can take in this specialty however. Good luck...