A virus is actually cancer. You have night sweats? Hate to tell you this, but you probably have tuberculosis. Having headaches? Oof, better check for a brain tumor. Want to lose weight? Try this pill or “fit tummy tea.” Also, stop eating carbs - just make burgers with bell peppers as your buns… Well, at least that’s what the Internet or social media platforms will tell you. Some of these claims seem ridiculous and obviously unreliable, but in a world filled with medical confusion, fear, and desire for instant knowledge, these claims can be accepted along with many others. When the pandemic occurred, everyone and their neighbor became healthcare experts, so the question became, who can you trust for your health information… Aside from Google, Tik Tok, Twitter, and facebook seem to be common sources of healthcare information. Why are these sites so popular? Well, it’s much easier to type something and get an instant result than it is to wait a week to be able to see your primary care provider. Additionally, these sites often include videos or reels, which are often easier to understand than a medical professional spouting out confusing terms. Also, the advice often seems more cost-effective. How easy is it to go to the store, get some apple cider vinegar and drink a bit of that each morning compared to going to the doctor’s, getting a prescription, waiting for that to be filled, and then paying a hefty price tag along with it? So not only do you get instant access to knowledge, but also a quick and easy fix as well. Since social media use is only growing, what can we do to decrease the misinformation that’s out there? Well, the good news is there is awareness of the wide misinformation by the general public. Thus, there has been a push recently for greater monitoring of healthcare claims on these sites. In fact, it was recently announced that Twitter will be developing a content moderation council. One way we as healthcare professionals can advocate for less spread of misinformation is by supporting developments like these. We can also try to get more accurate information circulating on these sites by sharing information from reputable sites. I’m not saying we should all try to become “Tik Tok famous,” but we can be mindful of what we share or post on our own social media platforms to ensure we aren’t adding to the spread of misinformation. As with anything in nursing, we can act as educators. Topics we can discuss include how to tell if a source is reliable, how to check if an author is credible, and resources. To point them in the direction of reliable sources, seek out websites ending in .edu, .gov, or .org, and be wary of those ending in .com. The reason websites ending in .com may not be the most trustworthy is because those sites can be made by practically anyone, whereas the others are either government, educational, or nonprofit organizations. Examples of reputable sites for healthcare information include CDC.gov, nih.gov, healthline.gov, healthfinder.gov, mayoclinic.com, etcetera. It is also important to remind patients to check when the source was written since health information is ever-evolving. Checking the credibility of the author is also important, especially when it comes to social media. Questions to ask include what credentials does this person have to share this information? Are they sharing facts or opinions? Do they cite their sources? When it comes to resources, there is often a local “call a nurse” phone number that anyone can call. The nurse on the phone essentially acts as triage and helps the patient decide if they need to seek treatment or are safe to stay at home. This is particularly helpful in avoiding unnecessary ER visits. Columbia University also has an online resource called Go Ask Alice, in which users can post their own health questions or browse a variety of topics about other things that have been asked. This is a great source for credible information compared to a generic Google search as the responses are generated from a team of health care experts. In regards to if the media has killed common sense when it comes to health, I don’t think so. Rather, it has provided the opportunity for people to use their curiosity to take control of their health. As the demand for healthcare information grows, we can do our part to clear the confusion of what sources can be trusted and work to ensure that the information supplied is accurate. References Online Health Information: Is It Reliable? Recommended Health Websites - University of Michigan Health Misinformation Is A Pandemic, and Social Media Is Desperately Trying To Navigate it 1 In 10 Americans Turn To Social Media For Health Information, New Survey Shows Go Ask Alice! - Columbia University 1 Down Vote Up Vote × About raven_h17, BSN Hi! My name is Raven Heuertz and I am a new grad nurse. I work in the NICU and am passionate about what I do. I love connecting with others and learning new things. When I am not working you can find me reading, working out, watching hockey or figuring out my next item to bake :) 2 Articles 7 Posts Share this post Share on other sites