Health Assessment help


I am a 40-year-old mother of three. Two are under 5 years old. I am taking an RN to BSN program to work toward obtaining my nurse practitioner. I did poorly on my first quiz and want to bounce back. This week has especially been hard with my sons and I having Flu B and I haven't slept in 3 days but for little cat naps. How does everyone else study and balance your kids being sick and yourself plus doing well on quizzes? Thanks in advance.

I'm a mom myself to a 2 1/2 year old I'm in my junior year for my BSN. I also work part time, to keep my insurance for myself for clinical and also for the family (I'm 28 years old). I have a great husband who takes care of our son and I wouldn't have made it this far without him.

I guess my question to you is, what is your support system? Who takes care of your kids while you are in school and studying?

When I was in school I was a single mother of 2. At first, I had the wonderful support system of my family, but then they moved away. I was a complete mess for a while after that!! I didn't realize how much I depended on them until then! At first, unfortunately, I ended up missing some lectures. I actually do better reading things for myself, but always liked going to lecture anyways because it could still clarify something if I needed it to. So, I didn't like missing it! I finally worked out where I set-up my classes as best I could while my oldest was at school and put my son in daycare. I couldn't really afford it, but I got assistance from the state which helped. You need whatever support system you have - friends, family - that will be willing to help you. Watch the kids while in school, watch the kids to give you time to study, etc. I was always so busy and the time I did have I spent with my family so I didn't really have any friends to rely on once my family moved. I had to make it work where I studied for a bit after school while I had my older son working on his homework and my youngest was still in daycare (I had to pay for the whole day anyways, so I figured I might as well use it!!) and then some after I put my kids to sleep. I made sure not to go too long though, because if I didn't get enough rest I would be useless to my boys and for school.

It also helps to communicate with your instructors. I explained to mine what was going on after my family moved.

It's not easy but you just have to figure out something that will work for you and with whatever support system you have or resources you can use. Good luck!

Specializes in Telemetry, Med-Surg, Peds.

I was in an accelerated ADN program. I am a single parent and have two kids, one was in HS at the time, the other in daycare and then K. I had a ton of support from my parents. And when my daughter would get out of school she would watch her brother for me until I got home. If she wasn't available my parents would help out. Occasionally my sister would watch him as well. I even used their help to go to study groups. Someone was always available to help when I needed to study. I would also have my kids play the role of the patient so I could practice my assessments on them. They had fun doing that. As for studying, I had to either do it while the kids were in school. while I was on campus, or when they were asleep. It's very difficult to study when everyone wants your attention.

Good luck!

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