Having Some Second Thoughts


Specializes in ER, TRAUMA, MED-SURG.

Hi, everyone. My name is Anne, and I am an RN. I have my med surg certification. I have been a nurse for 16 years, quite a few of those in the ER.

I have had some trouble with bigeminy and some pretty labile HTN. It's been down as low as 180/90s, so better. I am not going back to work anytime soon, but have been thinking about the possibility of going back for my EMT, starting with Basic. I have gone on some ride alongs, and have always wanted to do this. Any ideas?

Anne, RNC

Specializes in ER.

I have always been interested in working out in the field just to see what it is like, go for it, health allowing. Very different world from what we see at the recieving end of things.

Specializes in ITU/Emergency.

There is actually some threads about this in the flight nurse forum! I know as I am interested in doing the same thing and apparently you can do just a short course to become an EMT or you can bridge to Paramedic. Good luck!

Specializes in ER.

I am not really getting a feel on why you are not going back to work. You said your BP is labile and you have arrhythmias. Do you think being an EMT would be an easier job physically or is it something you have just always wanted to do?

I guess it depends on what type hospital you are in, but the EMT's/Paramedics I work with have a very stressful job, physically more so than most nursing jobs. They find themselves in rescue situations in dangerous areas, extrication from vehicles, working on the ground, etc, that nurses do not generally have to endure.

If it is just something different you want to do, then I say go for it. But if it is a change for health reasons, I think you may be looking in the wrong direction.

Specializes in Flight, ER, Transport, ICU/Critical Care.

Hi Anne -

I am so sorry that you are having the problems with your health that you describe. It can be very frustrating and difficult to "control" those matters.

My thoughts?

Focus on getting HEALTHY. I don't want to sound critical or discouraging - AND I will not even open the door to the "challenge" this, test out of the EMT/Paramedic debates - but the PROBLEM is this-

Right now, you are not in a spot to perform nursing skills due to the health issues you describe. And as much as I may admire your desire for "wanting" to do the pre-hospital type of work - I think it is very ILL advised.

I WILL admit that hospital environs can be stressful - but the field is stressful in WHOLE different way (and not better, less - just different)

I doubt that you can pass the physical that many agencies use to staff field units --- if you are having rhythm disturbances and uncontrolled hypertension.


I think it is a bad idea.

I think it would put you at risk.

And the "thought" or reality of having to "code" my partner is one of my doomsday scenarios!

Time out.

Get great medical care. Focus on you - your health.

The future will be out there - when you are ready and able.


Practice SAFE!

Get WELL soon!

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