Have you had a gastric bypass or lap-band procedure?

Nurses General Nursing


I am looking for success and horror stories related to these procedures. I have a family member considering this surgery - the closest hospital/surgeon that performs these is over 100 miles away from where we live and I know no one who has had these procedures personally. Thanks!

If considering a lapband or rouxNy surgery, first and foremost, choose a center of excellence. These centers are few and far between, but meet strict standards for care and have the lowest numbers of complications. Don't do it for the wrong reasons. This will not make an unhappy person into a happy person. Last, but certainly not least, you must complete a psychological eval (in addition to the cardio and pulmonary). Most centers try to educate clients about the reality of post surgical lifestyle changes. If the patient thinks that they can eat the same things and in the same amount, yet loose weight, they are NOT a good candidate for these procedures.

First, Happy New Year! I have had the RNY in 2004 and lost approx 220lbs. Yes that is true. 220 lbs. Amazes me to think of "then" vs. now.

I had no real problems post op. My issues involved more nutritional issues, had and continue to have problems with some foods dense protiens like chicken breast, and lean meats. I have no problem with soups and have learned to make them with veggies and good stuff like that.

Physically I do get tired if I do not keep my calories up. It is a struggle to get 1200 cals per day into me. (funny, used to eat 1200 for breakfast) So I do advise people who go for the RNY to learn to eat 5 - 6 meals / day, lots of H2O and exercise.

Even though I was so massivly obese, I had no real co morbidities before surgery. I had always exercised so that was no doubt the best factor in my favor. I had always lifted weights, so my muscle strength was a great assest post op.

Follow up is long term and life long. It is easy for me to fall off the eating right bandwagon and eat junk foods chips etc, and fill up on them, esp. now that school is coming to an end, lots of stress and no time...

So, get into support groups, and get moving, that I think helped me the most.

That and a mind set of this is life long.

Last word:

This is a very hard lifestyle. At times bad gas, and diarrhea are present even though nothing has changed, it can be frustrating. Sometimes the exhustion is overwhelming. BUT I would do it all over again.

In a minute.

Hope it helps Be glad to email other info I can.

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