Have you ever untwisted an IV when you aren't supposed to?

Nurses Medications


Specializes in Sonography.

I am a sonography extern. I am in the emergency room and I had a patient who was demanding to use the restroom and stood up off his bed. He tried ribbing out his IV himself, his IV had no more antibiotics in it and was done. I untwisted the IV and let him use the restroom then twisted it back on. My reasoning was the IV was already beeping and done and it was only clindamycin. I am not supposed to touch IV's and I felt like an idiot and got in so much trouble. I think they just worry I'll remove a more serious one. I would have never done it if it was and all I did was untwist. I won't do it again but now I fear I'll be removed from my site.  

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.

We have saying on my ward "stay in your lane"

If its not covered in your job description, leave it alone. 

You screwed up removing the IV. You say it was only clindamycin. In NZ clindamycin is not used as a first line antibiotic but usually after other antibiotics have been tried. 

You seem unaware of the potential safety issues you may have caused which IMO makes you unsafe to have on the site.

If you manage to remain on your placement, DONOT overstep and stay in your lane

Specializes in Sonography.

I appreciate your response. I did feel horrible about it, however you managed to make me feel horrible twice so thank you for that! Luckily I never made a mistake again and I read up deeply on patient care something I was never informed about. I think putting me down saying "if I manage to stay at my site" was unnecessary. Everyone has to learn, nobody was hurt in the process luckily and I won't ever make those patient care mistakes again. It's mean people like you that make it hard to want to stay in healthcare. I guess that's why they call it a mean girl profession. I hope you know everyone starts someone and I came on here vulnerable about a mistake I had made. I'm sure youve made plenty in your career but I'm not here talking down on you about it. Take it easy 

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.
Katr said:

I appreciate your response. I did feel horrible about it, however you managed to make me feel horrible twice so thank you for that! Luckily I never made a mistake again and I read up deeply on patient care something I was never informed about. I think putting me down saying "if I manage to stay at my site" was unnecessary. Everyone has to learn, nobody was hurt in the process luckily and I won't ever make those patient care mistakes again. It's mean people like you that make it hard to want to stay in healthcare. I guess that's why they call it a mean girl profession. I hope you know everyone starts someone and I came on here vulnerable about a mistake I had made. I'm sure youve made plenty in your career but I'm not here talking down on you about it. Take it easy 

I'm not going to sit here and push a false narrative. I have an ethical obligation to be as honest as I can. It's great that you are vulnerable, it doesnt change the fact that you made a monumemtal mistake.  You cant come on a nursing forum and not expect nurses to point that out. 

That you are projecting about what a mean girl I am and how I make you to not want to work in healthcare and are looking for people to hold your hand and go 'there there it wasnt that bad". You are. a student sonographer who went so far outside of their scope of practice

I am a clinical liason nurse in my area. I get to nurture the next generation of nurses. If you were a student nurse I would have asked for you to be removed from my ward.  Yip I'm here for the students, my primary obligation is to the health and wellbeing of my patients

Yes, I'm an awful nurse, a horrible human being and your sympathy is with my students. Guess what, I almost maybe qualify for preliminary membership in the COB society, I don't do nice

My final challenge instead of getting your knickers in a knot because I'm not nice, prove me wrong, prove your tutors wrong. Prove all the neighsayers wrong and for all that is holy don't do this again

Specializes in Mental Health, Gerontology, Palliative.
Tenebrae said:

I'm not going to sit here and push a false narrative. I have an ethical obligation to be as honest as I can. It's great that you are vulnerable, it doesnt change the fact that you made a monumemtal mistake.  You cant come on a nursing forum and not expect nurses to point that out. 

That you are projecting about what a mean girl I am and how I make you to not want to work in healthcare and are looking for people to hold your hand and go 'there there it wasnt that bad". You are. a student sonographer who went so far outside of their scope of practice

I am a clinical liason nurse in my area. I get to nurture the next generation of nurses. If you were a student nurse I would have asked for you to be removed from my ward.  Yip I'm here for the students, my primary obligation is to the health and wellbeing of my patients and I won't tolerate students who put my patients at risk

Yes, I'm an awful nurse, a horrible human being and your sympathy is with my students. Guess what, I almost maybe qualify for preliminary membership in the COB society, I don't do nice

My final challenge instead of getting your knickers in a knot because I'm not nice, prove me wrong, prove your tutors wrong. Prove all the neighsayers wrong and for all that is holy don't do this again


Specializes in Critical Care.

I'm sure worse things have happened, but now you know for the future.

The biggest issue I see in this particular situation is contamination. I've seen experienced nurses disconnect an infusion set and leave the end open to air and it drives me insane. I imagine it's also technically practicing outside your scope.

I think kicking you out and crucifying you in the town square would be a little extreme, but live and learn.

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