Has anyone taken these classes in Summer?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello everyone,

I will be applying to the nursing core that starts this fall at my school soon. I have to apply on the last semester of my prereqs. I have A&P II, and Microbiology left. Our usual semesters are roughly 16 weeks long, but these classes will be compressed into 8. I really have to do them together, or I will have to wait another year to apply to the program. I am taking A&P I, English 122, as well as doing doing my CNA this semester, so I am ok with a hectic courseload. I was curious if anyone has taken these together? What advice would you give me for taking these? If you have taken these together before, how did you manage your time? I do have to work this Summer as well. Anywho, I would appreciate any tips/advice you can offer!

I have not taken them but will be taking them.

I am kinda in the same boat as you.

I will be taking A&P I in the summer and A&P II in the fall.

Chemistry in the fall and algebra in the summer.

I will likely do microbiology as well.

I am also going for the CNA training, hopefully before class starts.

Right now, I'm taking Microbiology and I don't find it all that hard. As long as you paid attention in Introductory Biology, I think you will be okay. :)

The CNA classes tend to take a lot of time; I did my CNA class over the summer and I finished in a month! I was also taking a chemistry class with the lab, as well as a US History course. At the same time, I was preparing to graduate high school, so there was also graduation stuff to deal with. But I got through! I'm sure you can do A&P II with Micro; a lot of my classmates are doing that and they don't seem to be failing or anything.


Awesome! I was just really nervous taking both of them together, since I know A&P is time consuming itself! Lol wow you really had a full plate! Congrats on getting your CNA done (and graduation), I have 2 more days of clinicals then I am finished as well.


Looks like you will be busy as well! That is great you are doing your CNA! It really will give you and edge in at least the 1st semester of the program. I had never worked in a healthcare environment before, and was EXTREMELY nervous. Now, I am much more comfortable, and it is great to get the initial nerves out of the way, so when you go to nursing clinicals you will be much more confident!

I am in the same situation. I have A&P II and micro left and I was thinking of taking them this summer. Our session is compressed from 15 weeks to 10 weeks. I have been told I am crazy or I have heard it is not too bad. I guess it is always worth a shot. Good luck!!

My friend is taking A&P II right now on the 8 week format and microbiology on the 16 week format...so not exactly the same as you but close. I help her study all the time as she's doing really well in both classes.

I'm not sure how your microbiology class is but ours was really tough.... and this is coming from a science geek lol. I took it at our CC but my University excepts it as far as transferring, and they are PICKY! I thought it was a lot harder than A&P but that could have been our teacher. The info you need to learn in micro is VERY easy it's just the amount you need to know that makes it tough. Our tests were mostly multiple essay questions where symptoms were listed then you had to explain what they got, how they got it, and if they needed antibiotics. He also gave a lot of multiple choice questions where you could have multiple answers...if the answer to question 1 was ACDE and you missed C then no points for you. I loved the class though and learned a lot...I can't watch an episode of Horders now without thinking "OMG you could be getting this, this, and this!"

I think that it is doable. As long as you have good study habits and you normally do well in school I say go for it!

I have taken A&P II and Microbiology together, but it was a 16 week semester instead of 8. It is doable, challenging but doable. I can't imagine what it would be like with only 8 weeks with these two courses. Both are important and both require alot of committment and time.

I would suggest buying a Planner, if you don't have one already. And, a wall or desk calendar. Mark down the important dates, exams, assignments etc... so you won't forget. Plan your days in advance. Put anything and everything in it, as far as your day goes. Allow yourself enough time to study for BOTH classes, each require equal study time.

Get a tutor. Even if you think you may not need one. Use whatever tutoring services your school offers for those classes.

Read, study, and do classwork way ahead of time before it is due. It will help lighten your workload and allow you more time for what is important.

Remember, you will be jamming two 16-week courses into 8-weeks. It is easy to fall behind and become overwhelmed. Many find the normal 16-week courses to be burdensome, so you will really be working on overdrive. Don't slack off too much.

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