Has anyone heard from Pitt,Excela, or A/V?

Nursing Students SRNA


I'm just wondering if anyone has heard from any of the Pittsburgh area programs about interveiws for the fall 2008 semester. I have all my paperwork in and the wait is just making me a little antsy.

Either way just like to hear from those in the same boat I'm in. Best of luck to all.

Specializes in CTICU.

Hey all,

Excela finally let me off the hook and sent me the message I've been waiting for; "After reveiwing your application, I would like to extend the opportunity to interview you for next years class."

For some reason I'm not really releaved.

Guess dreaming time is done and now living it begins.

Thanks all.

I interviewed at Pitt last year and I remember getting a call around late Oct. I interviewed in Mid-Nov.

It was a great place to interview. The interviewers are friendly, they show you their program/facilities w/ pride. Not a lot of clinical questions were asked (which is always a good thing :-D ).

Good luck

Specializes in CTICU.
I interviewed at Pitt last year and I remember getting a call around late Oct. I interviewed in Mid-Nov.

It was a great place to interview. The interviewers are friendly, they show you their program/facilities w/ pride. Not a lot of clinical questions were asked (which is always a good thing :-D ).

Good luck

Thanks for the heads up. I'm more worried about the clinical quetions at allegheny valley, I hear they can be a little brutal.:uhoh3:

Specializes in CTICU.

Hey all,

got a call from allegheny valley yesterday and now have interveiws with both excela and allegheny valley set up for the next couple of weeks. thanks for the support so far, I'm sure I'll need more in the next few weeks.:trout:

Specializes in CTICU.

Heard from Pitt on Monday (10/22) and have an interview for early December. Best of luck to everyone.:mad:

Those of you who interviewed at Excela, how did it go? I was very impressed with the school and the interview panel. Nothing to do now but sit back and wait! Good luck to all those who are also waiting!

~ Jen

Hey kirbybunny,

I interviewed, i thought it went well. great panel of 6. How was yours Jen? PM me

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