Published Aug 21, 2010
19 Posts
I got a letter and brochure in the mail today from North Coast Tutoring Services in Solon, OH. Its a RN bridge program for LPNs, Paramedics and Respiratory Theraists. The website and brochure say its a blended program on online and in class. Class is supposed to be 4 hours one day a week either days, evenings or weekends. I was just wondering if anyone had more information that what is provided on their website Nursing Education by North Coast Tutoring Services - LPN to RN Program in Cleveland, Ohio or brochure. I plan on attending one of their info sessions.
Also, their website and brochure say they are NLN accredited, but I cannot find them on the NLNAC site.
Thanks in advance!
36 Posts
Hey amp83
I kno this late, i was just googlin northcoast grad info and came across ur question. I am enrolled in this program since feb2010. I have to take 10 classes total- I have 4 left. They tell u that u can b done in 12 months but they don't tell u that ur class may not b offered right away, some had to take a month off. I've been lucky and classes I needed was available. I chose this program cuz classes r available in the evening (I work durin the day) so that was good. However, student requested am classes and sometimes the next class I need only offered in the am and that didn't work for me. I would take classes out of order. U must be disciplined and able to set aside study time. I hear from other students and I agree, money is a big issue. Paying for test rangingfrom 250 to 395 bucks. Then the enrollment fee(895) plus 25 dollars to Excelsilor college. Extra books to buy and if u can't download the book for the class, u have to buy one for 25 bucks. These books are over 700 pages and folks don't have printers. Having a computer is of course a must cuz u need to sign up for test, download study guides and there is required 300 buck course for excelisor. There is also a required take home test (pass/fail) about writing careplans. All must b done b4 taking the clinicals. I hope this was helpful, it's been a year for me and I hope to b done by summer. Don't forget clinicals can b a 3 month wait. Good luck we need more RNs