Published Jan 8, 2011
21 Posts
Hello! I'm almost 17 and currently a pre-nursing student, but the waiting lists for traditional nursing programs are absurdly long and I feel I would benefit from getting my LPN in the meantime. As for my age, is it legal for a 17 year old to attend LPN school? From what I've researched, it is legal as long as the potential student has received a HS diploma or equivalent. I received my GED at 16 in June 2010, so I think I'm good to go.
I'm highly considering DCMO BOCES for my LPN (the last time I contacted the admissions office, they still had openings for the March '11-January '12 term...I'm hoping this is still the case!) and I would really like to know a bit more about this school. Has anyone here attended DCMO BOCES? Do you get college credits for all courses taken (i.e. A&P, Pharm, etc.) or just what they mention: General Psych and Basic Nutrition? Their brochure states the following:
This ten-month, college-level program is offered to adults who wish to take their state licensing examination for Practical Nursing. Students receive classroom instruction to include: Nursing I & II, Anatomy & Physiology, Psychology and Nutrition. College courses, Psychology and Nutrition, are taught on site. Students’ clinical experience requirements are met at area hospitals and nursing homes.
Thanks so much in advance! I will post any other questions I may have.
13 Posts
Hi there! I am currently at Delhi in their LPN/RN program, I am starting my second semester of the 2 semester LPN program. I do know that there are alot of LPN's in the program with me, and all originally became licensed through BOCES, but their credentials from there didnt necessarily transfer over. They could've taken the exam to get right into the RN program but it was full and supposedly the test is quite hard and expensive each time you take it. I would recommend applying to the colleges near you that have RN programs. I took my pre-reqs at Broome CC, and Delhi was the only nursing program I applied to. There are ALOT of 18 yr old students in the program, that are taking 18-19 cr hrs a semester to complete the program in 2 yrs (for RN). If you want to become an RN I would suggest just going for it!
Oh, and another thing, in NYS you have to be 18 to be licensed, but can go to schools when you are 17, I've met quite a few students who started when they were 17!
Thanks so much Lindsey!
I think I've decided to take the nine months that I would've spent on the LPN program to finish as many pre-reqs as possible to get direct admission to a BSN program.