Handed in that last assignment....

Nursing Students General Students


Last week I dropped off my last assignment. I was so restless about it, what should have only taken me 2 hours took 9!!

We have culmutive (added all up) grades, and I've already scored myself 36%. The recent assignment is worth 40% of the final grade, so I've only got to get another 14%, which is less than a pass but I havent worked out exactly what I need to pass.

If I don't pass, I'll have to wait till next feb to do the paper (because its only in the first semester). I"m trying not to think like that - I'd have to do something incredibly stupid not to have scored enough on that and I followed the marking criteria.

Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan, this is so annoying. I'm more stressed now than I was when I was doing the damn thing.

Its the waiting people, its the gosh darn diddly darn waiting!!

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