Published Dec 31, 2014
306 Posts
I had a fantastic interview that I am so excited about! I have been contemplating leaving my current out-patient position for a while now. I have been there for 13 years but since I am going to school, it will be virtually impossible to continue there much longer. I also feel like I've gone as far as I can in this role, and have been really feeling antsy for a change and a new challenge.
I decided to take a chance and apply for some really good positions and I got called very quickly for a first-step interview! The interview was awesome, the interviewer was very positive, and I got great feedback. I am excited to see what opportunities come from this, and should hear within a week or so.
I always thought it would be difficult to leave my role, and although I will really miss my patients, there are great patients in lots of other settings too! Plus, any of these new positions will be only 3 shifts a week (currently working M-F 8-5). This will obviously help a lot with getting my school work done. The biggest plus- these roles will put me into a large organization which hires lots of NPs so hopefully I can eventually transition seamlessly!
I feel fantastic about this and I will keep everyone updated!