Gwynedd Mercy Weekend Program or Harcum Stars


Hello All,

I was accepted to Gwynedd Mercy for fall 2010, but since then has discoverd Harcums stars 1 year accelerated program. I havent heard such good things about Harcum and I am not sure if thats a good or bad thing, their nclex pass rates are not favorable. Gwynedd has good pass rates and all comments have been positive.

The one year program is what is really attracting me to Harcum especially since I want to go on to earn my MSN, should I just take the longer program with the better pass rate and comments? Doing so will put me behind a bit but its worth it right? I am not accepted to Harcum yet I was just contacted to take the teas test.

My family just tells me to go where I want and dont be a statistice to do what I got to do since I am a great student that already has earned a BA degree. On the other hand none of my family knows what its like to go to nursing school:)

Thanks all and look forward to some advice


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