Group study



I am looking for pre-nursing students in the Bergen ,NJ area or the Oranges.I am currently a pre-nursing student at bergen community college .Only have to take one math course and ANP 1 before taking the entrance exam.Please let me know if you want to join me to create a group study asp.

PS:anyone currently going for the nursing program please any advice??

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Welcome to AN! I've asked the mods to move your thread to a forum that might get more responses. However, I would advise you to edit your post and remove your email address. One of the nice things about AN is the possibility for at least some anonymity. By posting your email address, you've made yourself rather identifiable, meaning that anything you post here can be linked back to you and have some not so pretty consequences. Considering that many come here to vent, it may be best to be as anonymous as possible.

For some reason i can't edit the message. Please can the website staff take it off for me.Thanks(using my cell phone)

Specializes in OR, Nursing Professional Development.

Members can only edit their posts within the first 5 minutes of posting unless they have a paid membership. I've alerted the moderators for you.

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