Greetings from a new member. I'm looking forward to learning lots from all of you on here. Quick blurb about myself and my plans. I'm 24 years old and a full time paramedic in a high volume, relatively progressive EMS service. Been doing it for a year plus some EMT-Intermediate experience in the same system before that.
I love my job but no matter how much I tell myself this is my career I can't spend my life sitting on street corners for zero pay in an environment which is NOT conducive to evidence based practice, except for those select few programs, and has providers that are the "good 'ol boys" and stuck in the 90s no matter what is said or shown to them. I absolutely love my job, don't get me wrong, but there's a lot more out there for me. I'll have at least three years of medic experience and a year of Intermediate experience by the time I'm finished with school.
Currently working on getting into an ADN program here locally through a private college. Hopefully can jump right into an RN to BSN directly after that and hopefully get myself into an ICU right off the bat. The plan after that is CRNA whether it be by way of MSN or DNP/DNAP. I have every intention of progressing all the way to the DNP level however if the opportunity is still there I'd like to do a Masters program and start working while I do my DNP. I'd like to potentially do a dual specialty in ACNP as well but my friend brought up a good point being, "at that point you might as well have gone to medical school." I'm planning on busting my ass for a 4.0 so I can pick my school rather than the school picking me. I've got a handful of schools in mind, most in my area. I'm not completely opposed to moving for school but I'd ultimately like to end up back here for the simple fact that I love the area. I'd rather love where I live and find work that I enjoy to make it happen rather than have that job that's a dream but hate every other aspect about my life. I don't have an issue commuting. I'd love to do everything in Nevada, Northern California, Oregon, Utah or Colorado. Preferably NV and Northern CA if I had my way.
During medic clinicals I fell in love with Anesthesia and the OR in general. I could never get over how cool it was to bring someone into the hospital, put them under, operate on them, emerge them then in some cases send them home in the same day. I'm also very tactile. I love using my hands, I love working with patients. I'd rather be at the bedside, hands on with the patient giving drugs and doing procedures than standing back and writing orders.
Alright, I'm done ranting. Don't be too harsh on me please, I know there's a lot of friction between medics and nurses in some cases. I have nothing but respect for what you all do and look forward to learning the practice of nursing! Lots have asked why no bridge program. I'm not even going to go near opening that can of worms.