
Okay I took the GRE today. I made a 690 on the Quant and a 380 on the Verbal. I was really disappointed in my verbal scores, especially since I thought I did better. The schools I'm looking to apply to say over 1000 to be competitive. Obviously what I made is 1070. Do I really have a chance? I graduated from my BSN with a 4.0 and had the highest cumulative GPA between my ADN and BSN. I will have just over a year and a half of ICU experience by the time school would start. I know I still have to wait on my essay scores but just wanted to get an idea???

Specializes in Critical Care.

Don't sweat it, it seems they look at the math hardest anyway. You can always brush up on your verbal stuff and take the test again (I'm taking it again next Friday for my 2nd time to boost my math score).

I barely got over a 1000 with my verbal score being 420 (math score was 610). My cumulative gpa was 3.4. I got an interview with a crna school! Don't get discouraged. If it can happen to me, surely it can happen for you. Good luck!

Specializes in TELE. NEURO, ICU.

This is encouraging. Retaking this month

Try to get 500 or above on both sections. Essay 4.0 or higher should be fine. You seem like you are set for math, you just need to work on your verbal.

I would also recommend taking it again, if anything just to show that you put in the effort to increase your score. If you can't seem to increase your score try improving other areas of your CV to offset. ex. CCRN, masters level AP, Pharm, Patho classes, ect. My GRE score was nothing to write home about, but I'm currently finishing my 2nd semester of CRNA school, so it's definitely possible!!!

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