GRE scores?

Nursing Students Post Graduate


I have conditional acceptance in grad school. I just had to finish up some piddly requirements by December. One of those requirements is the GRE. I don't have too much faith that I am going to score outstanding on the GRE. I think I will be lucky if I get 1000 combined score. I just don't perform well on those sorts of tests. If I do poorly, do you think that I could get kicked out of school? I will already have 10 credits finished by December. What does everyone think?

Specializes in Infection Preventionist/ Occ Health.

I would recommend getting some GRE books and practicing. You might even have time to take a Kaplan prep course. The more familiar you are with the test, the more comfortable you will be when you go to take it for real. I pretty much took it cold, and I didn't think it was much harder than the SAT.

I am not sure how much weight grad programs give to test scores, because most don't even have minimums anymore. If you are already conditionally accepted, then I doubt they would rescind their offer unless your score was extremely low. Have you thought about calling them and expressing your concerns? You may be pleasantly surprised by what they tell you.

Good luck!

Specializes in Nursing Professional Development.

Definitely talk to the people at the school and ask them what their policy is. People on this board can only speculate about what MIGHT be the policy: they can't give you a factual answer.

Some schools will accept a student in that situation IF the rest of the application is strong. They may also accept the student on a provisional basis -- conditional on achieving a certain GPA in the first semester or two.

Again ... you'll have to ask the particular school to get the actual facts.

Good luck,


If you have to take the GRE, it is best for you to put some study time in beforehand. I highly recommend the free tutorials on their website and also the free site Just becoming familiar with how the test questions are asked and the format of the computer based test can ease alot of anxiety. Good luck!

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