Graduating soon


Hello, I am new to the forum, but it looks like it is very helpful. I am going to be graduating in 6 months and was hoping to be moving to Fort Worth area, but it looks like that is not going to happen right away. I am living right between San Antonio and Austin and would really like an Internship when I graduate, but can't seem to find any info. Does anyone know of any hospitals in this area that have internships?

Specializes in Education, FP, LNC, Forensics, ED, OB.
hello, i am new to the forum, but it looks like it is very helpful. i am going to be graduating in 6 months and was hoping to be moving to fort worth area, but it looks like that is not going to happen right away. i am living right between san antonio and austin and would really like an internship when i graduate, but can't seem to find any info. does anyone know of any hospitals in this area that have internships?

:balloons: hello and welcome to, tmd76:balloons:

yes, this is most informative and supportive site. i wish you good luck.

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