

Hi all this is my first post to this site;) I am currently taking classes online in order to obtain my AA in Allied Health Science. I am a few classes away but I am putting the last few classes on hold so I can enroll at a tech school in my area to become a CNA. I then will be applying at a nursing school to obtain a BSN in Nursing. I am quite nervous right now that I wont be able to get in to nursing school because I heard it is so competitive. I completed all of my core classes but not very happy with some classes I received C's in. (College Math, Nutrition and A&p lab 1). The school I am looking to obtain my BSN in Nursing does not list these (all except a&p of course) as core classes. They look at overall GPA and the GPA of core classes. My overall gpa is a 3.3 and my gpa for my core classes is 3.1. The school requires students to have adleast a 2.5. Do you think I have a chance? Or I am worrying for nothing?

Welcome to AllNursing!!

I think you have a great chance to get in,especially if you do well on the entrance exam and everything else needed for their admissions requirement. You can also find a traditional RN program that is 2 years and apply there as well so you have other options available to you. Keep us posted on your journey 2 Nursing :)

Thank you so much for your insight!;)

I was just freaking out about having C's on my transcript lol

Are all entrance exams the same or do they vary from school to school? I am not sure what to expect on the exam.

Most schools will take some C's while others prefer B's. The entrance can be either the Hesi ,The Teas Test,or PSB. You can find out exactly which one they have by calling the admissions dept or check out their website,and look for admission requirements for the nursing program. It does varies by schools.

I feel pretty alone in the C department. lol Thank you I will do that!;) I am so glad I found this site. I am excited to start my journey. I start cna classes next month. I will be taking two classes. I hope clinicals arent too intense for this program. I heard CNA is quite easy though. I also heard after you graduate you have to take an exam. I guess I will find out ;)

Specializes in Emergency Department.

I think you'll find that entrance exams are pretty straightforward and standardized. Some content will be different but the idea is that they want to know if you have the academic chops to pass the program. The score and scoring system will be different but know there's been testing done so they know who has a good probability to graduate.

I have a C as well, in college algebra. I definitely don't think a C ruins your chances, just make sure your other grades are up to par. The few classes that you're putting on hold, when you get back to them be sure to ace them.

I have stats and human Path. and Micro so very important classes and yes I will ace them ;) Thank you!

It's really hard to say. I was just looking at requirements in another state that I'm thinking of moving to. There, Cs are unacceptable and the average GPA of someone getting in is a 3.8. You have to remember that while there is a minimum GPA stated on paper, in reality it's competitive and the "real" minimum GPA is probably much higher. For the school I was looking at, over 1100 students apply and 130 get in, which is why the average GPA is quite high.

I've heard of less stringent competition in other areas. Your adviser should be able to give you a better idea of how hard it is to get into your classes. I would definitely try to do better in future classes, and apply to an array of programs including 2 year to help your chances.

Yes I am open for anything really as far as programs go. I do not get the vibe that it is very competitive at the particular school that I am looking in to but that is me assuming. It helps that my in laws are very good friends with the director of nursing so I will be contacting her to give me some insight. I know I need to kick some major ass in the last few classes. I just hope that I do not have to retake Nutrition, College Math and Anatomy 1 over but if I need to to get in to a school then I will do so with a happy face ;) It sucks because I had a 79 in Nutrition. That was one hard class to take online! I wonder how many nursing students get C's? I know I cant let it happen ever again. Good luck to you!

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