Published Aug 2, 2008
11 Posts
I'm starting Nursing School at GPC in 2 weeks, and I still have questions~ I got lots of answers at orientation, but I still have a few more, please reply if you are a recent gpc student...
First - What type of book bag did you use? How many of these books are we going to have to carry on a daily basis?
Second- Do you feel like 1 binder for notes is suffient, or are more needed for different topics covered (nutrition, etc)?
Third - What was your best organizational strategy? What did you use that may be helpful to me as a new student?
Also, I have a time question -
Based on your experience, about what time were you done with classes/clinicals/etc each day? My daughter gets done with school at 3:30 and needs to be picked up each day. I'm trying to determine if I will need to find alternate transportation for her.
Any information would be great! Thanks~
50 Posts
I would have the same questions.
1st question: Normal bookbag. Didn't always carry my books, only binder. if I decided to study after class, I usually had them in the car. i always kept my nurse pak, which included the clinical supplies in the car incase I needed to stay and practice for a check-off.
2nd question: One binder for each exam. For 1st semester, we had about six exams. I used dividers to divide the lectures. This also made it a little easier to stay organized and to study for finals. You will also need a binder for pharmocology/meds and for you math (you would wanna stay up on the math, you'll have math on all exams after I think the first one, maybe the second. Easy points that you would'nt want to give away.
3rd question: dont lag. stay on top of things. GET CLARIFICATION if needed from falculty and not students
Final: 2pm was the latest I think and that might have happen once or twice. I was usually home from clinicals around 3:30ish....varies. Depends on what time you get off the unit. Clinicals for first semester was every other week so you wouldn't have to worry about that weekly.
I hope this helps a little. Take care.