GPA & Life -somethings gotta give


I responded to the post below about nursing school GPA, and thought more about my response. I think this merits it's own thread.

I started NS with a 3.7 GPA and have watched it slowly sink towards a 3.5 over the last three semesters. Each semester I visualize an A in all my classes. I work to achieve that goal with every test. But at the end of the semsester, I am mere points away from an A. When think back over each semester, there is usually one test in each class on which I didn't perform as well as the others. Each of those downer tests was related to something happening in my life, usually out of my control.

I have been to the Pedi's 3 times this last week. Right now, my daughter is passed out on my DH; we spent the better part of the evening at the ER for her, and she was up almost all night, and even when I brought her to bed with us, she tossed and turned. DH took today off so I could study- can't take a sick kid to the babysitters. So, YES I should be studying at this very moment, but I needed to get this out.

When I look at my grades I regret the times when I didn't do as well as I expected. I am very competitive with myself, and crave the best grade possible. I do work hard to achieve my goals; usually choosing study time over my family. However, when situations like this arise and I know that I have a enough leeway with the work I've put in over the semester to not only pass the class, but still get that B, the sting over missing the A isn't as sharp.

And for those curious: trip #1 for conjunctivitis= one med, trip#2 for worsening conjuctivis + dx of OM= 2 more meds, trip#3 for hives, rash, and fever= one more med, ER visit for 103.8 temp spike+ worsening rash = ........combo case of OM AND viral exanthem (roseola). The hives from a reaction to one of the abx had hidden the viral rash- pedi blanched it, but didn't dx. ER Doc dx'd the rash, and eliminated two of the meds. YAY!!

So, here's a tip- when you see a rash that looks like petechiae, blanch it, many times over each spot. Non-blanching may mean something more serious (leukemia, lymphoma, meningitis)......which is what I (as a new mommy with juuust enough education) was afraid of. And, rashes' may not be just an allergic reaction- you might have a double dx. Obviously, I am not giving medical advice, just something to think about.

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