google lookalike

Nurses New Nurse


I'm not sure if this is the problem with me being unable to get a job or not, I do have outstanding credentials and most of my class is employed now, most with no problem.

There is a girl who recently married someone with my rare last name, she now has the same first and last name as me and is ALL OVER THE INTERNET! Not only that, if you google my name, it comes up on some pretty nutty websites and forums. She has a public blog and I emailed her to ask her to please take a few things down because I'm looking for a job and I think people are seeing it, thinking it's me. She flipped out, posted nasty things on her blog, made up things I said and added them to her blog and replied publicly to "me". I was very polite to her, trying to explain that I live in the bible belt and her posting all over wiccan, witchcraft, satanic sites and voicing her very liberal politics made it hard for me to get a job since people assume with a name like mine that it must be me. It's NOT me! I lead a very quiet conservative life. So if you google for me, you don't find anything with me, it's all this other girl, and it makes me look bad! I've always been taught to be careful what information you post online, so up until last year if you searched me, nothing came up. Today it's over 10 pages of things that have my name, but aren't me

Suggestions? I don't know what to do! I'm very tolerant of what other people believe. But I really think this is affecting me at this point. I don't want to bring it up to potential employers because some may not even google me. But the ones that do, surely won't tell me they are going to or have to question if this was me or not.

Why not put the cartoon of the cat on the website? :)

Even if you don't use the site for nursing, at least it's YOUR internet presence that is entirely under YOUR control. And with a little meta-tag and keyword magic, your site could end up #1 (or pretty high up) in the search rankings.

If I'm going to do the website I'll highlight my whole career, from fashionista, to graphic and web designer, to ceramic artist and cartoon artist, and finally nurse. I had planned on making the cat cartoon it's own blog, so I'll link to it there. I'm still working on how I want to do it. The cat really needs his own story, he's kind of his own Garfield but in a tuxedo with a goatee... and with his own dog. So I'm working on it in my spare time (I'm wrapped up in The Hunger Games books at the moment, little distracted ;)).

When I get this done I'll share my link here since you all have been so helpful and nice! Again, Thanks!

Do you also share a middle name? If the middle name is different, just add it in to all of your documentation, even just the initial if that makes a difference. Or if changing your last name isn't an option for you, could always swap your first and middle names. Lots of people go by their middle name rather than their first name so what you are called wouldn't have to change.

Do you also share a middle name? If the middle name is different, just add it in to all of your documentation, even just the initial if that makes a difference. Or if changing your last name isn't an option for you, could always swap your first and middle names. Lots of people go by their middle name rather than their first name so what you are called wouldn't have to change.

That's what I did. The middle initial thing. I tried to make a new email with my first & last name but it was taken, so i did first, MI, last and it was free. I then decided my resume and general header would all include my middle name (for continuity).

Also, I absolutely doubt that she's the reason you're not getting a job (though it is the easiest thing to blame). This economist situation really just sucks. GPA's, class standing, even additional credentials don't necessarily matter. Some of the smartest students, who were also wonderful in the art of nursing, from my class still don't have jobs. Try to find something which uses your RN title even if it's not bedside/acute care.

I wish you the best. It really is a frustrating thing. I completely understand.

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