Going Into 2nd Year Of Nursing School. Any Advice?


:balloons: Whoo Hoo!!:balloons:

Hey Everyone!!

I just had to tell someone... I just finished the last day of clinical today of the first year of the 2 year RPN diploma course. Yay for me!!!

Just wondering if anyone has any special advice for entering the 2nd year?


Hello Tashia,

I am new to this site and I have no advice, for I am just starting RPN in Owen Sound in Sept. I Just posted a new thread " 44 yrs and changing careers". Any advice about your 1st year?

Congrats of the 1st year finish!!!


Sleep, enjoy your break between semesters, buy new shoes. I actually found the final two semesters less stressful than the first.

Specializes in Psychiatry.

Buy a DSM IV-R and a good Care Plan book and study your Psychotropic meds. Enjoy your time off and journal for self awareness. Don't forget to build your supports and see your friends and family often. Read for pleasure and dance and do yoga!

Thanks for all your tips and encouragement.

Ingrid m:

~I found that you really need to stay on top of all the meds. Make up flash cards and keep them handy.

~ Keep on top of all your lessons. I found it's a good idea to read in your text before class and then again after. That way you hear it 3 times and it helps to stick in your head.

~ I heard that 3rd and 4th semester are easier because you are basically just adding onto what you've learned. Such as IM injections, hanging Iv'x (only specific). So keep that in mind.

~ What I found to be very helpful in studying all the objectives, or the ones you are having problems with, write the Question on the front and Answer on the back in your own words. Keep it handy, then studying for the exams will be a breeze.

~ Good shoes are really important!!

~ Don't forget to have fun. It's very easy to get caught up in the stress of school and clinical. Definately Clinical. Take each day as it comes. Keep a note pad with you in clinical, jot notes down, research your client, this helps to use your critical thinking skills.

~ Most importantly don't give up! You might (probably will) feel stressed and feel like you can't go on. (I did) but keep plugging along. It gets easy the more you do the skills.

Good Luck!

Canadian Princess, if you don't mind my asking, what is a DSM-IV-R?

Psychiatric manual with diagnosis of mental illness

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