where to go to get started?

U.S.A. Louisiana


i live in covington and want to become a nurse. i emailed the head of the nursing department as SLU and hopefully will hear back from her about things. i left a voicemail about volunteering at a local hospital but have yet to hear from them either >_

i wonder where the best place to get started would be. does anyone know how much things cost and how i could get financial aid? i make 28k right now working 8-5 in information technology but doubt i would be able to keep a full time job while in school.

please give me some advice! i need to know what to do to make my dream a reality (=

If you haven't take prereqs i would look those up and start taking them. Charity should accept any from SLU (i believe) not sure about SLU taking delgado credits. delgado offers most if not all of the classes in the evening in covington.

if, or once prereqs are out of the way, i know charity is offering evening classes, not sure about SLU. you'll have to do an entrance exam, PAX for charity. right now charity is offering clinicals in covington/slidell and some lectures in covington.

i think pretty much anyone qualifies for enough financial to at least cover tuition. (delagdo is pretty cheap) it's hard to keep a job once you are in the actual program.

but yeah the first thing is prereqs like english, math, biology, anatomy & physiology, elective etc. good luck.


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