Published Feb 13, 2010
1 Post
I am taking care of an 11mo old at home - has a GJ tube which is not being used - has broviac for continuous tpn and all meds given iv. also has ostomy. New pt for me - not used to having an inactive GJtube - nurse who oriented me vented and aspirated GJ several times and wasted the gastric contents - never returned them. pt gets weekly labs which are almost always wnl - regular nurse stated must waste gastric content to prevent infant from vomitting them up. Does this sound ok to everyone - worry such large amts not being returned and electrolyte imbalances. please give me your best advice. thanks!
NotReady4PrimeTime, RN
5 Articles; 7,358 Posts
The kid is on TPN. The electrolyte composition of the the TPN will have been fine-tuned to maintain normal serum values, based on the child's labs. So discarding the gastric secretions makes no difference. This kid is probably at very high risk for aspiration, which is why the aspirates are discarded, and another educated guess is that this kiddie swallows a lot of air which needs to be vented from his stomach, also to prevent aspiration.