Getting involved - grass roots politcial action


Health care reform. Patients' rights. Access to care. Nurse staffing crisis. From the Capitol to the White House, health care is at the top of the political agenda. With so much attention focused on these issues, it is critical for RNs to speak up - about quality patient care, adequate staffing, safe workplaces and the multitude of concerns you and your colleagues face every day. Who better to advocate to Congress about the need for quality health care than those who are on the front lines?

It's time for nurses to speak up! Want to make a difference and have your voice heard? Join N-STAT, the premier grassroots network for nurses.

ANA's Nurses Strategic Action Team (N-STAT) makes it easy for you to join with your colleagues across the nation to let lawmakers know how you feel! N-STAT is comprised of thousands of nurses around the country who stay informed on issues and contact their legislators about pending issues. ANA, through Legislative Updates, keeps you up-to-speed on key bills as as they move through the legislative process. Then, through Action Alerts, we contact you when your e-mails, phone calls and letters will make the most impact.

N-STAT is the power and strength behind ANA's lobbyists on Capitol Hill. YOU provide the grassroots power to show Representatives and Senators how nurses feel on the issues that impact you and your patients every day.

Every state nurses association member is eligible to join N-STAT. If you'd like to join, send e-mail to [email protected] or call Doretta Hood at (202) 651-7094 or fill out our online form.


It sounds like the N-STAT Leadership Team might be for you. N-STAT Leaders are appointed by the State Nurses Association to be the key contact person for a U.S. Representative or Senator. The N-STAT Leader is the point person for the lawmaker on nursing and health care issues. During election years, the ANA staff relies on N-STAT Leaders to interview candidates in their district and states and provide advice in the endorsement process.

N-STAT Leaders are a visible representative of nursing within the community, participate in moving nursing's legislative agenda, and become influential with their lawmakers. N-STAT Leaders also get to know ANA's political staff in Washington, as well as other nurse leaders. All Leaders receive an orientation kit, as well as a free subscription to Capitol Update, ANA's biweekly legislative and political newsletter.

If you'd like to be considered for the N-STAT Leadership Team, contact us via e-mail at [email protected] or call Doretta Hood at (202) 651-7094 or fill out our online form.


Right up your alley, Nightingale....whichever state you end up in!

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