Published Feb 28, 2007
wonderbee, BSN, RN
1 Article; 2,212 Posts
After a month of orientation, I'll be getting my own case load of 10 pts. starting next week. We'll be pulling from other nurses who have been way overloaded. As these cases are transferred to me for case management, do you guys have any advice? Are there any questions I should be asking, organizational or otherwise?
9 Posts
Hello there. I can offer some advice but I don't know your regs. For one, being a case manager that PT's entire chart is your responsibility. That means when something is missing, it's your butt. So cover that butt tightly. There are very strict regs pertaining to Hospice. Just keep good communication skills and know when to speak up or shut up. Sometimes that's just the way it is. I keep a calender on who I need to see and when. And because I forget, if I had a med change I write it on the calender when the change was in effect. That way there are no questions. Hope this helps and good luck.
14 Posts
I would request that the charts of the patients you are getting be audited so that errors, omissions would be corrected before you are responsible for the charts and to make sure all information is current. It is also good patient care for you and the nurse who has had the patient to go on a joint visit to meet the patient and family before you actually take over as case manager