Published Aug 16, 2014
8 Posts
I work at a school part time...I would really like to be full time at the school and the principal would also like a FT nurse. However., she sad she's asked about but has been turned down. There always seems to be illness or injuries that occur after I leave and the secretary has to attend to these issues. Does anyone have any good ideas on how to work a plan/proposal to get approval for the position to be full time?!
Jolie, BSN
6,375 Posts
Money makes the world go 'round. If this is a public school district, then the portion of your district funding that comes from the state is probably tied to student attendance.
If you are able to show that your presence in the building would allow X number of students to attend X hours of school over the course of the day, week, month and/or year that would otherwise be lost to absence, you may be able to justify the additional cost of your FT salary and benefits.
Likewise, if you are able to prevent/minimize staff absence by providing consultation to the employees in your building, the savings in substitute costs may justify your additional salary.
I would suggest starting to keep records regarding both student and staff absence (although the staff may need to give you permission to collect their information) and compile data regarding those absences that your services may have prevented. Your building principal can help you to convert your data into dollars and cents of lost state funding and costs of substitutes.
Good luck!