GERD and Diverticulosis


Specializes in NICN.

Can anyone help me find some info on any possible correlation between having GERD and developing Diverticulosis? Or vice versa? I have to do a teaching care plan and was thinking about teaching any thing that might treat one condition but aggravate the other.

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

I have done a bit of a search on these two conditions and cannot find any link between them. It doesn't make sense that they are related except that they both occur with the GI track. The GERD occurs in the upper GI track and the diverticulosis in the colon. Diverticula develop from pressure within the colon (as when people are straining to pass a stool). My mother has had a colostomy for diverticula and her particular problem was chronic diarrhea. She recently had a colonoscopy that showed that she is now developing diverticula just above the colostomy opening. So, it seems to me that the diverticulosis develops from the bottom up. I do know, however, that diverticula can occur anywhere in the colon. I believe there was another poster some time ago who was trying to develop a connection between these two conditions. You might want to do a search of the forum on this. I don't know if the poster ever got the information they were looking for.

Specializes in NICN.
I have done a bit of a search on these two conditions and cannot find any link between them. It doesn't make sense that they are related except that they both occur with the GI track. The GERD occurs in the upper GI track and the diverticulosis in the colon. Diverticula develop from pressure within the colon (as when people are straining to pass a stool). My mother has had a colostomy for diverticula and her particular problem was chronic diarrhea. She recently had a colonoscopy that showed that she is now developing diverticula just above the colostomy opening. So, it seems to me that the diverticulosis develops from the bottom up. I do know, however, that diverticula can occur anywhere in the colon. I believe there was another poster some time ago who was trying to develop a connection between these two conditions. You might want to do a search of the forum on this. I don't know if the poster ever got the information they were looking for.

Thank you for trying! I couldn't find any information connecting the two conditions either and have instead decided on teaching the patient about foods that will fit with both diets. I don't have a lot of time to research the issue but I hope to have some time over break. I will do a search on the forum and see what I come up with as well. Again, thank you so much for trying!

Specializes in med/surg, telemetry, IV therapy, mgmt.

well, i can certainly tell you about the diverticulosis! you're not supposed to eat anything with small seeds, nuts, popcorn. it's because these little things can become trapped in the diverticula, irritate the tissue and lead to diverticulitis. you should approach a couple of gastroenterologists, or their office nurses, and ask them if they could share their dietary plans for these kinds of patients with you.

here's a link to information on gerd:

here's a link to information on diverticulitis:

do you use the screen name kalico because you have cats? just wondering because i have 3 calico cats. that makes 4 of us with attitudes!

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