Published Mar 13, 2006
53 Posts
I want to move to Atlanta. The college I've decided to go to is Georgia State University. The website is sooooo confusing so I was just wondering if anybody went or is going there and can you tell me what did you get accepted....
706 Posts
It is kinda confusing but I figured it out- here is the info page for new students.
thank you. I was like "what is this.....okay."
Im still confused. What are my prerequsites?
54 Posts
Go to page 277.
For the Tradtional Program only
Area A (Eng 101, 102 and a math class)
A&P 1 & 2
Micro w/lab
Survey of Chem 1 & 2 (Orgo, Inorgo and Bio Chem)
112 Posts
I go to Georgia State. I'm in the accelerated program and I graduate in December. If you still have questions, feel free to send me an email at [email protected]
Good luck!
I have another question. Do I take my pre-req's at georgia state and then apply for the nursing school my freshman year......
195 Posts
I have questions about the accel. program at GA State also since I have a bachelors
Never mind. I answered my own question....