Georgia State Spring 2017


Hi there! I'm applying to the ACE program at GSU. Anyone else in the same boat as me, or applying to the Traditional track?

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Hello! I applied for Traditional Track Spring 2017. Anxiously waiting. I was told prior to submitting my application that decision letters would likely be going out late November due to the deadline extension.

Hey! Thanks for replying. This is a pretty nerve-wracking time, hopefully everything works out for us. I was just talking with someone who is in the Traditional track now. Her stats were like Program: 3.79, Sciene: 3.5, TEAS: 83.

Oh okay that's nice to know. And No problem ! We all need to stick together lol. I see so many other threads from previous semesters and no threads on 2017 :( so that definitely prompted me to respond to this one so we could maybe get something going. Have you applied to traditional too or just ACE?

Hey AE, I just applied to ACE and actually learned I was accepted earlier today. Let me know if you have any more questions on this. I wish you well in you have a specific field you want to practice in within nursing?

Congratulations on your acceptance !!!!!! I spoke with the nursing department and apparently they haven't sent out of all the letters yet. So I have my fingers crossed !! :)

Also , did you get an email or an actual letter in the mail ?

I have been freaking out all Thanksgiving break over this. They did not return my phone call or email so I am glad to hear you heard that. Good luck to you.

Thank you good luck to you too. I just called today and someone from the department informed me that they would not have all of the letters out until next Wednesday, December 7. Just to give you a heads up on that.

I heard today I got in Traditional. I called up there and pestered Ms. Little and got the email 30 minutes later.

Congratulations!!!!! I was also accepted into traditional. Just got the news today!

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