Georgia State Perimeter College FALL 2020

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Anyone applied for the fall 2020 nursing ADN program? Or applied before and know how long it takes to hear back after the submission deadline? Letter or email?


@kil cam so all you're missing is micro and history? That's crazy as it'll be finished come Summer. Maybe they check the completion for the second round... Let's hope. Which they say they don't have a 'set waitlist' which is weird, how would you know who's next to fill spots?

@Kelz @Myeshia Brown yup and I finished one of the histories in a minimester a few weeks ago with an A... so who knows? I too already have a bachelors so I’m looking at other accelerated programs that won’t take the 2 full years this would. Perimeter made sense because it’s the cheapest and closest to me.

Good luck to you all! I’m thinking some may not accept their seats due to the current state of our world right now but all we can do is wait and see?

@kil camwhich I'm sure they don't have you as completed for history as they didn't have me completed for my Fall 2019 classes. Sounds like they looked in the date you submitted versus before the letters were sent (March update). Yea I'm looking at ABSN too ? it's alot but some are same as the ADN time frame or even less. Found one that's 12mos but it's costly....

Hi @kil cam!

Could you please tell me which program you find to finish ADN in 12 months? Thanks!

@emilia226 Mercer has a 12 month accelerated BSN

Emory/Brenau/Kennesaw also have similar programs but I think they are all 16 months

@kil camonly thing about accelerated that I don't like is taking more than four classes at a time. And the different tests that each one of them except and the cost. Mercer's accelerated BSN cost $60,000. Not sure about the other accelerated schools cost or test requirements

@emilia226@kil cam

@emilia226did u apply for GSU ADN?

Any of you applied for Perimeter and didn’t get any response yet?

@Kelz @EmiliaKennesaw is around the same price but it’s more competitive. I may also apply to GSU Ace BSN track since I’ll have most of the courses

@kil camKennesaw is 60k too? ? So when you say apply you are talking about Spring 2021? Mercer is the only program that you can still apply for the Fall and Summer program

@Kelz no Kennesaw is closer to GSU/ Perimeters cost. And yes for 2021, I’d rather apply to others than hope that it’s a go for Perimeter again... there are other programs like Brenau that are still admitting for Fall, but they are still on the pricey side (40k I believe)

@kil cam40k is better than 60k. When is there deadline? Any others...

@Kelz they do rolling admissions but you need a few more classes for it. If you don’t mind relocating, Georgia southern/ Albany state have some programs too.

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