Gordon College Nursing Applicants Spring 2012

U.S.A. Georgia


Hi! I just finished my TEAS test and mailed off my application for the Nursing program in the Spring of 2012. Just curious.... what my odds of getting in were? I have a 3.7 GPA and made a 76 on the Teas but I still have 3 classes that I've not completed yet. I'm enrolled to take A&P II, Micro, and British Lit this fall. Has anyone heard of anyone getting in with 2 sciences missing???


Me tooo!!!!!!!! :madface:

That's the same boat I'm in. I'm applying for Gordon's Fall 2012 semester. My current GPA is 3.7. and I take the TEAS on Nov. 15... I still haven't taken Micro or A&P 2 tho (going to take in the Spring).... I hope I get in my first time...

Specializes in Pre-nursing.

Good luck to all of us in our future endeavors as nurses!!! :nurse: :rolleyes: :redpinkhe

Are anyone still in the program or on the verge of graduating?

I am in the program, just finished first semester:)

GordonGirl, tell me all about it! How are the professors and do you find the work difficult? Many students say that they don't find the work hard, it's just a lot of it...time management is an issue more than anything. What are your views? How did your first semester go?

cassandra13, first off i must say that the professors are absolutely amazing. wish i could say i that every single day was peaches and cream, but like someone else has already told you, time management is a huge key! you have to learn very early that this is not your average class where you binge and purge information, you need to understand what your learning. go ahead and think of yourself as a nurse, and that these are things you will be doing and need to know to care for a client. be very organized from day one! be disciplined in your studies, just like you would make a doctors appointment/or hair appointment and expect to be there for hours, schedule your study time, and let nothing stop that. study groups of no more than three, work best. plan your life around school not school around your life. do you have kids, are you married??? there are 10 million things i could tell you, the next person will tell you what stood out to them and it will be different, and so on and so on. make it your own experience, and love every minute of it. stay positive....

I just graduated.. have a bunch of stuff that I am happy to get rid of.. contact if u want.

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