Georgetown Accelerated BSN Spring 2012 Entry

Nursing Students School Programs


Hello --

Anyone else applying to Georgetown's Accelerated BSN Program, beginning Spring '12? :)

- M

I am currently being frustrated by the pathetic play by my Redskins! At least that takes my mind off of other stress. As for being in a public place - that sounds like a bad dream - lol. But I agree that I would rather be at home to do my happy dance or dealing with rejection.

I'm supposed to be studying as well but am too stressed to do anything right now.

Okay, today the lack of news is testing my patience!! Has anyone heard anything? I'm starting to wonder if we will hear by email or if I should start stalking my mailbox for the mailman!

So far no news from anyone on my end. I'm not sure now how we might hear but you can stalk your mailperson for fun to take your mind off of waiting. I'm sure they will understand!:D

Thank Goodness I'm not the only one!!! I have been tempted all day to call admissions and get them going!! Haha they obviously have no idea what we are going through waiting like this!!

You are not the only one!!! I think this must be some crazy test to see which one of us tweeks out while waiting!!! The worst thing is that I had no idea when we got the last email. It was out of the blue! I kind of wish they hadn't told us the date that we were going to find out. We'd be blissfully unaware right now!!

I find that I check my email every two seconds, and when I do get an email first I panic, then I get excited, then I feel let down because it isn't the email I'm waiting for!!

I do the exact same thing! Haha I agree that I wish they hadn't told us a date. Especially the way we were told that it would be by the 15th, it's just driving us all crazy!!!! I have to say in this case ignorance would be bliss!

I would agree with that - I would be so much more productive in my studying if I was not constantly checking my email. But at least you all are providing me with some much needed comic relief!

Yeah I am literally sitting at my computer checking my email every five minutes and running to the mailbox every 20 minutes. At this point I just want to know, even if it is terrible news. Although I'd prefer good news!!

Well - my mail has arrived and it contained nothing from Georgetown. However the photo collage mug that I bought for my dad for his birthday arrived safely so that's one less thing on my list of things about which to worry!

HA! I'm slightly less excited to walk downstairs and check my mail though! The only time I've ever gotten one of those mugs it was broken into several hundred pieces in the box!

I think that I may pour myself a giant glass of wine at 5pm.

I am heading out at 5 to pick up my son and take him to dinner. I will try to relax and not check my email too often during dinner.

I am fully convinced that Georgetown does not care about my mental health. I have tried so hard all day not to check my email more than twice an hour (don't you love my healthy limits?) and my discipline has not been rewarding. Gah!

Have you guys thought about emailing Laura to see when we are going to find out? I don't wanna be pushy or anything, but I'm dyin' here...still, i'm not sure I'm that courageous.

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