Study tips...advice?

Nursing Students General Students


I am sure this has been asked before but what are some helpful study tips? I need to LEARN how to study...I thought it would just come natural but even though I got all A's this last semester I struggled an insane amount.

I blame it on unmanaged gestational diabetes and being pregnant but I have a tougher semester coming up next and Ill take any advice I can get

Read the powerpoints, paid attention in class, browsed the chapters, split up the objectives with some studious friends, did all the practice questions i could get a hold of, we bought a white board and taught each other the class objectives. teaching is knowing. I love teaching!!! quiz game study nights. Role playing, did all the hands on stuff on each other ex. cranial nerve test, mental status, gait belts stuff like that. Learned a lot laughed a lot.

These are all good, but what finally turned the lightbulb on for me was NCLEX type questions. Please see my post at

If you have a lot of material on one subject, make a chart. Your brain automatically categorizes things, so when you intentionally put information in a chart form, you remember it better. The process of making the chart and organizing the info. is half of the learning process. Worked great for me, I even had people ask to buy my notes. If I studied with them, no problem, otherwise....get your own!

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