NLN-RN Pre-entrance exam...Did I get a good study guide??

Nursing Students General Students


Hey folks. I am scheduled to take my exam on Jan. 8th and I was wondering if anyone else used the McGraw-Hills "Nursing School Entrance Exams" book for study material. If so, how did you do on the exam, did you find the study material relevant? I got the 2009 edition and it seems to be pretty thorough, but obvioulsy I want to do really well. Thanks and any other tips are appreciated!!

Thanks for the Info Heidi. All I need is a 70% to get in, so I hope to get enough info in my brain to do so, LOL. Let us know what score you received when you get it! You may have done better than you think!

Its weird cause I have seen alot of people who took the NLN say the math in the study guide was pretty much exactly like the book.

I took the entire Science section in the NLN RN Pre-admission study guide, and turned it into flash cards, sentence by sentence. If anyone wants to use them, here they are:

Have you taken the test yet PedsHopeful? I am taking it in December. I am using your flashcards to study for science now! Thank you so much!!!


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