Need a diet plan!

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I have been reading the weight watchers thread. I need to loose 100 pounds. I do not have the time or money to attend meetings. If someone could share some information on a plan it would be great. If not maybe some meal ideas. Who knows you may be saving a life by doing so. I am ready to try anything.

Target your diet and DO NOT use weight as your only measurement. You should look at your body fat percentage versus your lean body mass. This is what you want to change. The more lean body mass you have, the more calories you will burn per day. Make sure you incorporate weight training in with cardio. Your goal should be to decrease your body fat and increase your lean body mass. Do not strive to simply "loose weight". If you just cut calories and do tons of cardio you will be losing the wrong kind of weight. Your body will respond by burning muscle and storing more fat. Check out .

7 years ago I made it my mission to lose weight. I was 19 and weighed in at 280lbs. I am now 26 and am 140lbs lighter. Basically I went low-fat. Lots of chicken, veggies, brown rice, AND LOTS OF EXERCISE!!!!!!!!


thanks everyone. you have given me some really great ideas. now i have a starting point. and for those who emailed me thanks so much. you were most helpful. now that i have a plan i can begin the road to a thinner me.:)

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