How do you feel about exam reviews?

Nursing Students General Students


We just finished our first semester of Fundamentals and had our final on Tuesday. I did very well on the final - the class average was 92%, so we all did well.

For this exam review, they basically went question by question and said "know what to do for this", "know what this means", "know the definition for this" in a very detailed way, without actually reading the questions and giving the answers, but we were very well prepared. They did not go so much into detail for other exams, and the class average was more in the mid-80s. I feel they were really trying to get some grades up, because if you fail this class, you are out of the program.

My question - do your instructors give exam reviews? How detailed are they? How do you feel about them?

I am an instructor and I have mixed feelings about review. Our program has developed a set of games we use for review purposes and use that as a platform for discussion- a little more subtle than saying "study this, know that" but essentially the same thing. Woul be interesting to hear what students think.

We've had a variety. Our core classes are team taught, so whoever lectures on one chapter writes the exam questions for that chapter. In pharm, we didn't have reviews, but one professor (taught about 50% of the material) said things like, "if I were you, I'd learn this," during lecture. That material tended to end up on the test. She is also the lead teacher for Fundamentals, and we get a list of topics posted on blackboard. If the test is 60 questions, there may be 100 topics on the list, and they're each just a couple of words, i.e. "NG tube insertion," or "colostomy care." Then I make up a study guide for myself and include every bit of info we've been given on each topic. Some other professors don't believe in that, so we get nothing and everything from lecture or the book is fair game. It's obviously helpful, but I tend to do well whether we get a study guide or not. The only in-class review we get is one professor who "reviews" each topic after we cover it, but the test isn't necessarily limited to what she repeats in the review. I'm grateful for whatever we get, but again I've done well either way.

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