Flirtatious student

Nursing Students General Students


Hi all,

There is a girl in my class who is really bothering me. Most of our preceptors are male and this girl is trying to ingratiate herself to them by acting all flirtatious. None of the preceptors seem to mind; in fact, the head guy seems to enjoy the attention. The flirter is always giggling at him, touching his shoulder as if to make a point, etc. When we are in lectures and the lecturer asks a question, she jumps in with the answer (usually really dumb, like "What would you give to patients pre-op?" " "Coumadin!" :roll ) before anyone else says anything. Her flirtatious and attention-seeking behaviour is really sickening. I can't believe this flirting bit is still happening in the year 2007. And no, this girl isn't that young--she is old enough to know better. I refuse to act like a trollop just to get noticed, and I can't stand watching this day in and day out. The guys are upset because they know they can't compete and because she has the ear (and God knows what else) of the preceptors. What can we do to stop her acting like this? I would appreciate any advice you can give.


Specializes in OR Internship starting in Jan!!.

I would be bothered if I felt someone was getting unfair treatment, and I do not flirt with teachers, nor do I want to. So, it is important to evaluate why we feel the way we do and try to control our emotions. Sadly, there will be people who try to flirt/sleep their way to the top (or use other things to their advantage) even when you get out of school.

The best advice I have is to just do your best and not let it get to you. I don't really think you can talk to her or the preceptor to get anything changed.

As a current nursing student coming from the corporate world, I've seen this type of behavior constantly. Instead of the flirting, it's the brown-nosing, the snitching, the moral police, etc. These types never last. My motto at work was to cover my assets and to stay under the radar to avoid being on any hit lists. And that's the same attitude I have in nursing school.

You can't worry about other people's behavior, just make sure you are the best student you can be. Also, in total agreement with the other posts, you have to evaluate yourself and ask yourself why are YOU so mad or upset at what SOMEONE else is doing? I've done this several times myself and then decide I don't want to make myself look silly by looking so petty, so I'll divert my energy elsewhere. That's what you will have to do.

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