child health nursing

Nursing Students General Students


Hello All

I am interested in finding out what are the initial perceptions or experiences or first impressions of undergrad student nurses when posted in the paediatric ward.

Thank you for your valuable contributions:)

Hi majer! I had a peds rotation earlier this summer. Going into this program, I was certain I wanted to do pediatric nursing....after this rotation, I wasn't so sure. The facility was a Childrens Hospital -- brand new and beautiful. The staff were absolutely wonderful. Charting (by exception) was a breeze. The problem?? I cried all the way home every single night...and cried a good portion of my evenings. It was just way to hard for me. I have four children and found that the kids who were close to my kids in age were the hardest patients for me (emotionally) to have. Since mine range from 21 months to 10 years -- that doesn't leave a lot of pediatric patients who aren't my childrens' ages.

I had no problem with really sick kids who had a good prognosis and a loving family. I had a very tough time with really sick kids who weren't going to make it. I had a worse time with any child who had NO ONE. I was ready to adopt one little boy (12 months old). His parents dropped him off in ER and hadn't been back in 2 weeks!!! Or the rude, nasty parents who snore through their infant daughter's apnea monitor -- and only come to hospital for a place to sleep.

I really, really tried to be objective and remember that I haven't walked in the shoes of these parents....but I really couldn't do it. I was too close to it and knew I couldn't do this on a daily basis. Love kids and love parents who love their kids...but can't do peds. got a novel from me, huh? :)

yes, its doubly hard when you've got children the same age(s) as those in your ward - one tends to imagine their own kids in those sick beds - objectivity doesn't make sense here at times!

Hi Majer and welcome,

I really enjoyed my peds rotation (although the drive was a long one to get there). You'll be surprised at what you already know and then can use later on. Good luck!

Originally posted by majer

Hello All

I am interested in finding out what are the initial perceptions or experiences or first impressions of undergrad student nurses when posted in the paediatric ward.

Thank you for your valuable contributions:)

Well I wasn't thrilled about the idea of working on a pediatric unit, but I must say that I had a great deal of respect for the nurses. I remember nurses trying to persuade the little patients to cooperate during procedures and attempting to rationalize with unrational ages. I learned quickly that patients can hate you one minute but love you the next. I think this is what I love most about pediatrics.

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