What have they done for you lately?

Nurses General Nursing


There's a spirit of giving around the holidays and nowadays we hear plenty of complaints and lots of venting about coworkers, but rare indeed are words of kindness and encouragement.

So tell us the latest wonderful, kind, caring thing that a coworker did for you recently.

It can be something as simple as offering a hug or bringing in goodies to share, or even taking that next admission so you could catch up.

Come on, don't be shy, you can tell us!

Simple ones here. The evening nurses smile when they see me come in. The nursing assistants I work with (1 RN, 1 RNA on at night here) smile when they see me. Tell me that they like to work with me.


When my DH was diagnosed with CA, everyone donated enough sick leave that I could stay home with him for 4 1/2 months on full pay(but that was a long time ago).

Recently, after a horrid night, my secretary looked my boss in the eye and said it was a good thing I was the charge nurse that night. Two newer people thanked my for helping them out so much.

That's really touching :) You have some awesome co-workers!

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