Top 10 reasons to hire a NEW GRAD

Nurses General Nursing


I actually wrote this myself. Hope you enjoy it.

10 Reasons for hospitals to hire a NEW GRAD

10. You won't have to hear complaints about why the pharmacy "stopped stocking drug ____".

We have no idea of what the pharmacy used to stock.

9. You don't have to hear complaints about, "why don't they have more CNA's working this floor".

We have no idea of what it was like when you did...or IF you did.

8. We don't fuss about how bad the computer system or how the old charting system was better.

We've never seen it.

7. We don't try to look for equipment in the "place where they used to keep ____"

We only know the NEW place.

6. We don't get involved in the floor gossip.

We have no idea of who is sleeping with who...and who isn't supposed to be sleeping with who.

5. We are nice to all the physicians.

Because we haven't got to know them yet...and will call them with all confidence and without hesitation at 3:00 a.m.

2. We won't talk about how the Nurse Manager wasn't such a witch until she got promoted.

To us, she always was, and we just deal with it.

1. You'll never, ever hear us say, "Oh Gosh, why can't we do things like we did over at ______________, it was so much easier!"

We have no idea of what they do at the other facilities.

11. We're a hell of a lot cheaper than those that have been doing this for the past 50 some years :)

Funny! I love it.

We ask questions no one else ever thought of, like, "Is there any method to the way all these forms are shelved?" or "Can I help?"

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