Prospering Nurse

Nurses General Nursing


Could you get excited about financial freedom?

I am looking for a group of nurses who would like to move beyond the common complaints of being overworked and underpaid. I am looking for people (NURSES) who are prepared to learn about MONEY in their lives, to explore what it means to them, and to get very clear on what they can do to be prosperous, and experience a life of abundance!

Years ago I wrote an article called "Prospering Nurse, Overcoming Oxymoron" (Nursing Economic$, 1989. Vol. 7 no. 2, pp.87-89). Now, 11 years later, I want to do more than write about it. I want to help nurses learn about money, what it means in their lives and how to get in control of all they can and do earn, keep, save, spend and invest.

If this interests you, you can write to me here, or use my e-mail address:

[email protected]

This is not a sales pitch. It is a genuine effort to engage a conversation in the nursing community about MONEY, and to bring a group of nurses (whomever you may be) to a place of empowerment and contentment over the financial matters in their lives, no matter what their current circumstances might be!

Let me know if you're interested in joining this conversation.

I'm listening - talk to me!

What is your background for this financial advice? Just curious. Are you a nurse yourself?

[This message has been edited by bshort (edited March 05, 2000).]

Oops, I see you are a nurse. I'll be interested in seeing where your conversation goes.

[This message has been edited by bshort (edited March 05, 2000).]

Well, yes, I am a nurse. 25 years into it so far. And I am just learning about prosperity, although I have been a student for at least the last 15 years!

Lately, I am taking a course. Here in Minneapolis (as in many cities around the world) we have a Landmark Education Center. This is were I am engaged in a course called the "Self Expression and Leadership Program" and in it, we, the students, each do a project. Mine is about bringing the language and the knowledge of prosperity to nurses. I do not know exactly how I am going to do that just yet. I guess, for me, that is what this conversation is about, figuring out how nurses react to even the language of prosperity, and trying to see if it is of interest to other nurses.

The Book of Miracles says that "we teach that which we most need to learn". I guess, if you want my qualifications for having ANYTHING to say about being prosperous, I would have to start by admitting that I am a learner in the field, and have lots of room for growth & development!

I am, however, beginning to take action on my own prosperity -- it is in part an act of faith -- but it is also an act of courage. (Have you seen the book by Suze Orman, "The Courage to be Rich"?) My act of courage is to empty my IRA account and roll it all over to a new brokerage firm with the intent of turning my measley $50k into $1M before I retire -- that gives me about 20 years!

I am also working on a small pot of investment monies that I want to see grow from the $5K I started with to about $80K by the end of 2000 -- that's a gamble to be sure!

I am also clearing away my clutter -- and I have a lot of that -- in order to live my life with better stewardship, taking care of the things I have and getting rid of the things that I do not cherish or value.

But prosperity is about much more than money. It's about changing your mind about who you are, about being able to say what you want in life, and to live life fully! That's really want I want nurses to grasp. The money part simply makes paying the bills so much easier, and it gives you more choices along the way!

That is what the course I am taking focuses on, living the life you love and living it fully!

Here are some other books I have grown to appreciate on the subject of prosperity -- they have been my extra-curricular reading along the way. Enjoy.

*The Aquaria Conspiracy by Marilyn Ferguson

*The Path of Action by Jack Schwarz

*Acres of Diamonds by Russell H. Conwell

*How to be Your Own Best Friend by Mildred Newman

*Love by Leo Buscaglia

*Love is Letting Go of Fear by Gerald G. Jampolsky

*Pulling Your Own Strings by Wayne Dyer

*Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

*Your Money or Your Life by Joe Dominguez & Vicki Robin

*You Have More than You Think by David & Tom Gardener

*The Millionare Next Door by Thomas J. Stanley & William D. Danko

So, what do YOU like to read along these lines, and what thoughts do YOU have about living prospersously?

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