Nursing in Australia...

Nurses General Nursing


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The Role of Nurses in Australia

Oh, come on, you love paying out all that extra cash to get a decent doctor don't you? Got to keep them all in business and Volvos don't we?! :D Seriously nursing here is great and there are packages available if youre willing to work inland. A friend of mine got one in Weipa, came with a house and electricity and a nice bonus for staying out there for a year. I've heard that Longreach may be offering the same kinds of deals too.

Living in Sydney is great! I have another friend still living there on an E.N.s wage, nice house in Northmeade, huge insurance bill each year and she's paying $250 a week but, well it's all about lifstyle aint it?:D

Come and have a drink with Aussie,

Come and have a drink with Auss.

We'll drink in moderation,

And we'll never, ever, ever get rollin' drunk.

We'll drink at the Town and Country,

Where the atmosphere is great!

Come and have a drink with Aussie,

Cause Aussie's your mate!:D

HA HA HA.........forgotten that song!!

Although I would imagine tonight it will be sung somewhere in OZ!!

:rotfl: :balloons: :rotfl:

Sorry Aussienurse, but WEIPA??? You'd want a frickin' nice bonus for spending a year in Weipa!!! To all of you who don't know, look at a map of Australia. See the pointy bit up the top right hand side? That's Cape York. Now go onto the western coast of Cape York, about halfway down - THAT'S WEIPA!! Have a look & see just how far it is from ANYWHERE - let alone civilisation. We're talking 000's of km here.

Can ya tell I'm a city girl at heart??

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