Nursing Book Recommendations

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in geriatrics, IV, Nurse management.


I've come to the conclusion lately that my book shelves are overfilled with nursing books and my local book stores are running out of nursing books for me. This thread is a great spot to share your spotlight nursing reading. Maybe a quick summary and maybe something to draw the readers in? :)

Currently I'm reading Over-Diagnosed Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health.

Welch, H. G., Schwartz, L. M., & Woloshin S. (2011).Over-Diagnosed Making People Sick in the Pursuit of Health. Boston, MA:

Beacon Press.

The title speaks for itself, as the book is about over diagnosing patients with diseases they may or may not have. Recently this quote dragged me in " President Franklin D. Roosevelt, for example, was known to have high blood pressure --- it was recorded as being higher than 200/100 at the time of his election in November of 1944 --- but it unclear whether his doctors recognized it was a problem. Six months later he developed a hypertensive crisis: a severe headache followed by a loss of consciousness and a measured blood pressure of 300/190. He died shortly thereafter of a massive hemorrhage to his brain"

I'm not American, so I don't know much on Presidents, but this quote was just fascinating to me.

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