Marketing Ideas

Nurses General Nursing


Hello All,

I initially posted this on the Entrepreneur discussion board but wasn't getting any responses, so I'm re-posting it here.

I am looking for some fun and creative ways to market my business (care management for seniors and disabled adults). I made a list of the primary care clinics and rehab facilities in my area so I am mailing a cover letter and brochures to each location, followed up a phone call one week later to verify they received it and ask if they have questions.

I also made flyers and I'm looking for places to hang them, though I'm having a difficult time with it because many places no longer allow people to hang flyers. I'm trying to target pharmacies, grocery stores, and gas stations. Can anyone think of other areas I might consider trying to hang flyers?

I have car magnets & a website too. Does anyone have any other marketing ideas? Any ideas you have are appreciated. Thank you in advance!

Best regards,

Amanda Tillema :redbeathe

Everything you have sounds great. That is the "marketing" piece.

You need to add the "sales" component. People do business with people.

Google what is difference between marketing and sales.

You want to build a solid foundation of people that will recommend you.

Best of luck to you.

You need to build a website and start to submit it to search engines. Also you need to start a google local for your area. Both of these things will start to boost the visibility you have to your business.

Specializes in Leadership, Psych, HomeCare, Amb. Care.
Hello All,

I am looking for some fun and creative ways to market my business (care management for seniors and disabled adults). I made a list of the primary care clinics and rehab facilities in my area so I am mailing a cover letter and brochures to each location, followed up a phone call one week later to verify they received it and ask if they have questions.

I also made flyers and I'm looking for places to hang them, though I'm having a difficult time with it because many places no longer allow people to hang flyers. I'm trying to target pharmacies, grocery stores, and gas stations. Can anyone think of other areas I might consider trying to hang flyers?

I have car magnets & a website too. Does anyone have any other marketing ideas? Any ideas you have are appreciated. Thank you in advance!

What you're describing is less marketing, and more advertising.

Marketing is defining your target market & potential customers and creating a product that presents value to your customer. What service do you provide that other similar companies don't? What makes you unique and makes me want to use you.

Mailing unsolicited letters & brochures is expensive and will produce a poor response rate. A direct mail campaign with a 2-4% response rate is usually considered to be good. Your letters may never get to the person that should see it, will probably be trashed, and even if read, will probably be forgotten a week later. Either provide some incentive for them to contact you or develop internal contacts before the mailing. A website is great. Be sure to provide a link to your website in the mailing. Consider an online newletter & give away a gift certificate or something every month to those that visit your page and sign-up. Consider a business page on facebook so friends, relatives, contacts, can "like" you & provide more exposure

Plan to do face to face visits to the facility and develop those relationships.

I have a couple of ideas for the flyers. When we hung flyers for our assisted living facility a few years back, we got a really good response from hanging flyers in laundry mats. I'm really not sure why, but it worked so we did it!

I would also say, look at your population. Elderly and disabled. Where do the elderly go? (I'm familiar with the elderly so will address this population.) Banks (This one is big. Going to the bank every day or weekly is something the elderly have done all their life and continue to do because it is routine.) Post office (same story, it is routine), coffee shops or gas stations where they hang out for coffee in the mornings or afternoons, senior centers, the local hardware store (not the big box stores) or other small businesses that have been around for decades. I guess the idea here is that by the time you are an elderly person you have routines and have visited the same businesses for many years. Get to know the owners of the small family run businesses, they could be a good ally for you.

We had a change of mindset when we were doing this. Everyone thought that we needed to target the adult children of the elderly. What we found out is that if we also targeted the places that the elderly people themselves visited, they would call for information on their own!

Thanks for all the great responses everyone! :)


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