Indian Health Service (IHS) Facility Locator

Nurses General Nursing


Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.

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Specializes in Med-Surg, Geriatric, Behavioral Health.

If you know of or work in an IHS facility, please share here contact info for those that may be interested.


Kayenta Service Unit

We always need Outpatient Department Nurses and Emergency Department Nurses.

We do not have a hospital and work with bare bones technology but it is an excellent challenge.

You can find us on the IHS web page under Navajo Nation then click on Kayenta Service Unit. We are small and rural but if you are looking for a challenge this could be the place for you. I am Commission Corps so I don't get the bonuses and stuff but I hear they pay well for civilian and the retention bonus is nice.

Specializes in float pool, ED.

What experience/ knowledge would anyone be able to share about Projct Walking Sheild? Thank you.

Thank you, I will apply. I am a new grad however and I have a California license. Is this accepted by IHS? Or do I have to get an AZ license. Thanks:coollook:

Specializes in Public Health, Med Surg, HIV Care.
Thank you, I will apply. I am a new grad however and I have a California license. Is this accepted by IHS? Or do I have to get an AZ license. Thanks:coollook:

If you have a license in any U.S. State, you can work for IHS (or any part of the federal government, i.e. VA) that you want to.

Hi I am wondering if any IHS hospitals are near to major cities? It seems like some are but I am interested in ICU so any help you can give is great! Thanks

what type of nursing experience do you need to work there? Med/surg? years of experience ect? Thanks.

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