im so terrified.. *piog

Nurses General Nursing


Of becoming a nurse. It has been one of my dreams to become one, I love working at my hospital being a PCT. And I dont want to go work at a nursing home again but becoming a nurse and being afraid I'll mess up is not what I want to do!

All of the nurses on my unit are backing me up in my road to becoming a nurse. But that 4-5 years of school scares me too. I have 2 kids under 4, and i dont have the funds or pleasure of being home with them because I work or go to school so much. And what if I forget a medications side affects, or what if I cant remember to do something?! To have another persons life in my hands scares me.

I want to work in cardio or L&D one day and the only way I can get there is by becoming a nurse with a BSN! My hospital is no longer hiring ADNs even if you already work there. They just let go of all the LPNs, they have to be gone by the end of the year! I cant afford to go to school for 5 years, my family depends mainly on my job, but I dont see myself doing PCT work for the amount of time its going to take me to finish school. And idk what to do. I need advice from you ladies, because im drowning in my own thoughts and what ifs here....

Your last words said it all. You are drowning in your own thoughts.

Almost every nurse weather a young single person with financial support or an older person with family and financial responsibilities has felt what you are feeling.

Take a deep breath, take one day at a time. Where will you be in 5 years if you don't pursue your education and dreams? Still a PCT (hospitals may eliminate that position also), kicking yourself for not going back to school.

Your kids will learn that hard work and school are valuable and worthwhile. And believe me kids have their own strength and power to survive not having mom 24/7. (I know you already work but you get my meaning.)

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