Gas Prices Pinching Tribal Programs


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Higher gas prices are forcing the Rosebud Sioux tribe to reassess how it helps its members with transportation, said Ladeaux. The reservation is located in south central South Dakota on the Nebraska border and is 1,442 square miles.

The tribe is re-evaluating transportation for law enforcement, education, social services, the elderly and nutrition programs, among others, he said. They also offer rides to medical appointments for tribal members who have no other means of transportation. The tribe has more than 100 programs and many rely on transportation, he said.

The Rosebud Sioux tribe is reallocating funds among services to compensate for higher gas prices, Ladeaux said. They may even be forced to cut some program services.

"There's no good answer," said Ladeaux. "No matter what option you take, you're eliminating certain services."

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