Galen LVN oct 2014 hopeful SA, TX


So, this morning I took my PAX PN exam and I got a 127!! I only needed to get a 96 that I was excited to see my passing score. The test was pretty easy but I did order the study guide from NLN so that was a huge help. The admissions advisor told me to really focus on the verbal portion of the test because they really look at the score when reviewing for admissions. The math was ironically my best score, I was terrified that I was going to fail being that you can NOT use a calculator... I've basically had a calculator glued to my hair since 6th grade. I focused a lot of studying basic math and doing tons of practice questions and even use Khan Academy online to help refresh my brain. The science is what got me I studied the science portion but thought that there would be a lot more medically related questions but it was surprisingly more biology based chemistry and cell functions.

After the test I met with my assigned admissions advisor and he was really pleased with my scores so I am very hopefully that I will be getting an acceptance letter (fingers crossed). He said that the admissions counselor meet every 2 weeks but there was a possibility that they might meet today (june 18th). So there is a possibility that I might have a decision tomorrow if not within the nest 2- 3 weeks I should hear something back. I have applied for the Oct 2nd session. so fingers crossed that I get in and maybe I will be seeing some of you there with me.

Good luck to everyone that is applying for nursing school and taking entrance exams!!

Woohoo - Congratulations!!! What a huge accomplishment!! I take my exam tomorrow morning, and feel seriously underprepared. Thanks for posting, it gives me hope that I can pass since I, too, focused on verbal and math. If accepted, I'll be a classmate, since I'm applying for the Oct class.

Good luck and hope to "see" you in October! -Dee

So I got my acceptance email the very next morning so I will be starting Oct hope to see you in class let me know how it goes on your test

I take my exam tomorrow afternoon. I might end up in October class with you. Staying hopeful and positive :)

"So I got my acceptance email the very next morning so I will be starting Oct hope to see you in class let me know how it goes on your test"

So great, lindseylu586!! I assume you've met with financial aid by now? If so, did you sign up for the October class? I did! Looking forward to starting the journey - it's been a long time coming! Hope to see you there!!

Okay, sandrawbnurse1999, how'd it go on your test? I'm sure you did great, and we'll see you in October, right? :yes:

@DeeMerri12- I just realized you all are going in LVN program. I took my PAX RN. I passed so, I am trying to get in October class. Just waiting on my LVN transcripts, which were mailed yesterday. Fingers crossed that they'll receive them before the class is full Sorry, I didn't realize this was an LVN thread. I will look for an RN thread. Best of luck to you both. You can do it!! :snurse:

Great job on passing - you must be relieved! :roflmao: Best of luck to you, too. Take care!

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